A common subject that clients ask about is manifestation or the Law of Attraction.  Many people have read the book entitled The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne that was published in 2006.  I read this book many years ago and remember thinking that the message within it seems logical but that the contents, on the whole, raised more questions than answers. 

The book (as an overview) details the need to simply think about something that you desire and imagine yourself having it.  It works on the basis that if you send out the energy in relation to a thing the universe will answer and send it to you.  Of course, the simple and immediate question that is raised – if that’s the case why isn’t everyone fulfilling their dreams and ambitions and why does anyone have any financial woes?

I have heard people say that the answer to this question is that people simply aren’t aware of the law!  In fact, I even think that the book tells us this (it’s been many years since I have read it).  According to Wikipedia the book has sold 30 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 50 languages.   In accordance with the answer then, we must consider that those 30 million readers /purchasers of the book are now living their best lives and having everything they desire. 

This is far from reality, however, so it leaves us questioning that if the premise of the book seems logical why can’t we make it happen?  The answer is quite simply ‘karma’.

Karma dictates what we can and can’t have in life and therefore what we can and can’t manifest.  Karma, a fundamental universal law, that states what we can and can’t have in life and can and can’t achieve.  It controls everything and is as inescapable as rain in British summertime.  Karma, although first mentioned in Hindu scriptures around 1500 BC, is a relatively new and widely misunderstood teaching in the western world. 

In order to realise the things we desire we must first pay our karmic debts.  If you want money, you must give money and if you want love, you must show and give love and so on.  The karmic law is effectively – you reap what you sow.  As a concept karma is mentioned in the Catholic/Christian bible but just isn’t labelled as karma (it talks about eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth for example).  More about The Law on Karma will follow in later papers. 

Whilst the Catholic church disputes the author of the prayer of St Francis of Assisi the prayer clearly tells us that ‘For it is in giving that we receive’.

The key to manifestation therefore is much deeper than simply vision boards and visualisation techniques but is fundamentally down to whether or not we have earnt the thing we want. This is why some people find it easier to manifest than others.

When attempting to manifest you must also consider your karma and pay towards your debt.  This can be done by giving to charity, for example, and practising the Meditation on Twin Hearts (see Meditation Part 3).

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