Thinking about the art of meditation, the correct way to meditate is to sit with your back off the chair, perhaps with a rolled-up cushion at the base of the spine. The cushion must not cover the part of the lower back that is opposite the belly button as this can increase the blood pressure. It’s also very important to exercise before and afterwards. When we activate the chakras through meditation, we download a lot of energy and failing to exercise will result in that energy causing congestion, thereby weakening the body.
Considering the practice and the overall art of meditation, it is also a good idea to have specific clothes within which to meditate and lighter colours assist in the movement and flow of the energy.
Never meditate in places that are not energetically clean (prepare the space by burning sandalwood incense or by playing OM chanted by a spiritual Master). Meditating in a place of work, or in any uncleansed public space, will cause illness in the body. As we practice the art of meditation, the chakras activate and increase in size significantly. The chakras are swirling vortices of energy and they absorb energy (both good and bad). Meditating on a beach is OK as the spray of the salt coming in from the sea cleanses the beach and surrounding area.
Meditating with crystals can be dangerous. If the crystals haven’t been correctly cleansed they can contaminate the energy body. As different crystals correspond to the different chakras meditating with them can cause unbalanced activation. This can result in the physical body becoming sick but will also hinder safe spiritual development.
Always invoke for Divine blessings and ask for protection when meditating to ensure spiritual safety.
If you want to sit with your legs crossed always ensure that your left leg goes first as this energises the body and enables the flow of spiritual energy; the correct depictions of the Lord Buddha will always have the left heal closet to the body.
Don’t expect to be able to do it straight away. We call it the art of meditation for a reason. There is a form to follow and practicing can ensure that you will get better. It’s worth remembering that many people practice the art of meditation for years and still struggle to find stillness and silence. Keep practicing and just enjoy the moment.
Part three of my art of meditation series will look at which meditations should you consider?
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