There are many deniers of the energy body. Deniers that humans and animals are anything little than the physical matter of flesh and blood. They assert that we are only made of a physical body and when it ceases to exist, we cease to exist.
We talk about our ‘energy levels’ and often link these to the health of our body and mind. We accept that we need energy to survive, to recover from illness and to go about our daily activities. So, is it such a huge leap to accept that the body has its own energy field to create the notion of the energy body?
Photographers from as far back as the late 1800s have attempted to photograph the energy field around the body. Any photographs that have produced results have been dismissed for a number of reasons including claims that its merely ‘heat’ or ‘gases’ emanating from the body. The fact is that photographs do exist and different people produce different colours around the body.
Of course, we must question how we can be expected to explain something like the energy body, that people, certainly in the Western world, simply don’t understand. Is it right to simply dismiss the energy body because most people can’t see or explain it, it wasn’t so long ago that we believed the world was flat until science proved it not to be the case.
Surely acceptance of an energy field, or rather an energy body, provides the most sensible explanation for phantom limb syndrome. 80-100% of amputees are reported to experience this condition. Interestingly the condition is also often resistant to treatment. Science admits that the condition can’t actually be explained and have concluded that it must be linked to the nervous system.
The reality is that the physical body also has an energy body. We are not the body but merely the operators of it. We simply operate the physical body as a driver operates a car. When the body has aged and decayed or ‘failed’ for some reason the energy body leaves and in time finds, (is reborn into), another vehicle and the process is repeated in that new vehicle.
We actually experience our energy body when our body sleeps. It is not simply the case that we have two bodies – one physical and one energy but we actually have seven bodies. I am not, however, going to talk about the seven here. Aside from the physical body I am only going to explore the energy body called the astral body.
This energy body is what we experience when our body sleeps. Science admits that it can’t fully explain why people dream. The reality is that when our energy body leaves our physical body we are in our astral body on the astral plane. The plane is full of our memories, fears and thought forms. It’s an everchanging environment.
Some people have positive experiences and some have quite negative experiences. Not everyone is able to bring their experiences back with them when they return to their physical body upon waking (an experience known as ‘dream recall’). The astral plane can be a dangerous place which is why some people have very challenging or scary experiences. Incidentally this is why, in years past, we were taught to pray before going to sleep as it is a process that requests the protection of the soul whilst the physical body sleeps.
The Astral plane is the place within which we spend some time when we leave our physical body when it dies. More detail about the astral plane and what happens to the soul upon the death of the body will be shared at a later date.
The conclusion we are left with therefore is that we are not the body! The body dies and will be replaced with another in due course. The soul (the energy), however, endures.
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